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Perlina Patel

Radboud University, Netherlands

At the Green Summit, young people will come together to discuss climate issues, and – no surprises here – any climate issue is a global issue. To this day, the Global North has had the luxury to point fingers at other actors and countries who might contribute most to the detriment of the planet’s health, but this is not fair or helpful at all.

By including young people from across the globe, the Green Summit will engage like-minded people to contribute and discuss the climate debates. Different cultures, backgrounds and traditions will unite to find solutions that can help save the world.

The fact that the Green Summit aims to attract young people is another reason why this Green Summit can become a success: in the end, we are the next generation that will have to deal with the issues and might decide the fate of the planet. We are the ones that can find solutions by learning from each other and thinking together of the next steps. Because in the end, there is no Planet B.