空气中弥漫着浓浓的烟雾。 冰盖融化了。 在海防无法保护陆地不受不断上升的水位影响的地方,道路被淹没了。 对我们生存至关重要的生态系统正在努力适应新的环境。 北极熊已经灭绝了。 人类的子孙后代担心他们将成为下一个。
如果你能把时间倒转到2021年,你能做出什么改变,你会做出什么改变? 你会把一次性塑料袋换成可重复使用的吗?
在曼谷联合国会议中心举行的绿色峰会将点燃你们为更绿色的未来而奋斗的激情,并与数以千计的其他年轻人一起在世界各地采取行动。 你将成为一名Humanitarian Affairs绿色大使,并激励其他人做出改变。 你们将受到激励,为你们这一代建立一个未来,也为下一代建立一个未来。
是时候行动了。 让我们一起扭转
Emily Ainscough
University College London
Something positive that we have seen a change in the last decade is the ubiquity of the climate message. The flip side, however, is that now politicians and CEOs can no longer legitimately claim that their inertia is down to ignorance or a lack of scientific consensus; so, the fact that very little has changed is a direct reflection of their ambivalence.
We are being told, in no uncertain terms, that the protection of this planet is not a priority – because it does not make money for people alive right now, and this is apparently the only worthwhile venture of politics. But people’s current leaders won’t be in power forever. It is imperative that we work hard now, to ensure that the next generation of leaders is less self-centred.
When young people get together from across the world, amalgamating their knowledge from different languages, cultures and observations, and then again dissipate, taking their learnings back home to spread those ripples further, we are raising a new generation to be stewards for the future of this planet. The Green Summit will speak not just to future politicians, but to teachers, parents, scientists and workers who will take this message of action and hope into their respective fields and make their voices heard on all rungs of the ladder; that this isn’t okay. That something’s got to change.