The journey starts with you!
Like any leading character, your story and actions define who you are. Attending the 4th Global Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders is the beginning of a life-transforming tale. One that will tell of your life’s journey to become a Humanitarian Affairs Peace Ambassador.

To be an ambassador for peace, you must demonstrate your passion to serve humanity and your zealousness to promote peace-building efforts. Attending the Peace Summit will give you the tools necessary to promote peace-building. At the Peace Summit, you will have many incredible opportunities to network and equip yourself for your future.
Delegates will also hear inspiring testimonies from renowned global trail-makers – everyday heroes who have made a real difference in the world. You will also have the opportunity to attend workshops and gain the skills necessary to step forth as a peace advocate.
Like any good protagonist, the true quest starts when you step out of your comfort zone and make the first step to attend the Peace Summit.

The Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders is an experience like no other. Equipping you with the knowledge and confidence to serve, the Peace Summit will ignite and develop your leadership power and dauntless spirit – a spirit that will set you on the path to begin your adventure as a Peace Ambassador.

Dyana Satya
University of Sydney, Australia
I can genuinely say that I have just participated in one of the most humbling experiences of my life.
It is a few experiences that make you see the world in a new way, whilst simultaneously structuring bridges of support and resources. Thus, enabling the realisation of the ideal worlds existent in our imaginaries.
At the Peace Summit at the UN Bangkok, I would say that the 348 emerging leaders present would agree that the conference, the speakers and the organisers have shown us what the path to peace should and can look like ~ including meeting each and every humans’ basic needs to freedom of persecution, discrimination and violence.
No matter your race, religion, gender, or sexuality. Name it – every human has the right to dignity, to freedom. But that most of all, as Annelize Palmer wisely shared with us: “First of all, to create peace, one must be You cannot create peace if you are disturbed”.
I cannot share with you all what four days of immersion in peace talks, workshops, interactions, and more, we’re like. I can only tell you what has been the most inspiring and life-changing of all, which is, all of the beautiful humans that I met from 55 countries.
May we all inspire and make the world the best possible place we can be, in our journey as Peace Ambassadors.