Our Story
Humanitarian Affairs Asia has roots in ground zero.
In 2001, our founder Kim Solomon
was in New York to attend a United Nations conference.

On September 11, he saw
rising from the
World Trade Centre
He watched
helplessly as the twin towers collapsed like a stack of cards.
“Witnessing an atrocity of this scale changes your life forever,” Kim shared. Volunteering was Kim’s first instinct, and he was tasked to assist rescue workers at a command centre on ground zero.

In his diary, Kim recounted running through thick smoke and limping back to the hotel later that night after spending more than 14 hours in the service of others.
One fireman alluded the scene to a large Hollywood production. The only difference was that the casualties were real. This experience motivated Kim to start Humanitarian Affairs to bring more good into the world. He believes that youths are powerful agents of change. They are bubbling with energy.
They are full of ideas
But they lack the courage to put their humanitarian
plans in motion

In other words, many young people find themselves starting from ground zero. Kim believes in their can-do spirit. He hopes that more youths will work to better their communities and the world at large, just like the many courageous firemen who sacrificed their lives at ground zero. As humans, we are called to be empathetic, passionate, and inspiring examples for others. Through Humanitarian Affairs Asia, Kim hopes to empower more youths to serve. No matter where they start from, ground zero or not, he is determined to give them a push to do good. No one is too young or inexperienced to make a difference in the world. What one lacks is the courage to make things happen.
The Courage to Act
The Courage to Act is one of the crucial factors that separate the triumphant individuals from the unsuccessful ones. On the journey to success, you will experience self-doubt and countless trials. There will also be moments when you will want to give up and quit. The one trait that can guarantee your success is to have the courage and willingness to act on your dreams to make them a reality.